"But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves." - James 1:22

Friday, June 27, 2014

Friday Update

Rather you are reading this late tonight or early tomorrow night good news, your babies will be home in a few more hours. I know you have all missed them but they have made some life changing decisions that I hope will make a change in all of your homes as well as our church.

I first want to start off by thanking God for allowing April and I to see camp Wilds through 2 different perspectives, first as a camper and now as a sponsor. It is a big difference as you get to see things that you didn't even know goes on. One of the great things about the Wilds is that since 12 years ago since we last was on the site many things have changed all for the better. There's new activities, more places with A/C, new buildings, and many more improvements that have made the camp better. But the great thing is as the camp has made many changes, there mission remains the same, and the even greater thing is that the same God that was here 12 years ago when I was last here is still working the same way and has not changed at all. I'm so glad I serve a never changing God. It has been a true pleasure to come back up here as a sponsor to the greatest kids in the World.t

Let me get into the day. All of the kids are doing great, today was the day they had the most free time, so Dale went tubing with a group of them, April and I played putt-putt with one, and we all stood around and talked from time time as we seen each other, it's really a more relaxed day. It seems like the kids really got to enjoy their free time. It gives us leaders a chance to connect with them which all of us teen leaders absolutely love.

Today also we had 3 services morning chapel, christian life seminar, and evening chapel.
This week in morning chapel they have been studying 2 Timothy today was the only one I was able to catch but it was about being a Faithful Servant and there was many good points but the evangelist Andy Gleiser said something that really stuck out "Victory over sin is fighting and not quitting", and I pray that all of us always fight and never quit.

Christian life seminar was another great message which talked about social media, and the impact it can have on our lives both positive and negative. Social media can be a great witnessing tool to others so we need to be careful what we post and reply too because there are many people watching our lives.

Then tonight was a very special service that happens at the wilds every Friday night and that is the Fireside service. Preacher Gleiser began the service with a great message about the Choice of New Generations: Giving Self to God using 2 Kings 2 and how Elijah was called up and Elisha was left, but he was the new generation to carry on the gospel and we see in Elisha the willingness and how we need to have that same willingness to serve

Then finally the fireside service it is sooooo special 12 years ago I participated in it, and tonight I got to do it again. As the service began Matt Herbster spoke on how the stick represents your crooked no good life and you throw it into the fire symbolizing that you are giving your life to God. And how we all need to just give our lives to God 100%. Also Herbster closed the service by saying that the Wilds is special but you can also make home a special place where you can grow as a Christian. It's simple and in a nutshell the Wilds eliminates distractions so at home we need to eliminate distractions, so I ask you parents help your kids eliminate those distractions and they can really Grow close to God.

Sorry this is so long but it has been 12 years since April and I have been here and I thank God for the opportunity words can't describe what these few days have meant for April and I and we look forward to coming again. This has been truly special to see camp as a camper and now as a sponsor, but the greatest thing is God's hand is on this place. This place is so special too April and I, and you don't realize how special it is until you've missed for over decade, I just thank God for this place.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Thursday Update

Good Thursday night to everyone (or maybe Friday morning according to when you may be looking at this)

We were again blessed with great weather. Temps were good and no rain all day.

I hope all having been praying for our teens. Yesterday's and tonight's messages were very good presentations of the gospel. I truly hope eternal decisions will be made before we leave from the Wilds. As Amanda & Christy prayed for the JBC'ers this morning, Scotty and I prayed for our teens and the prayer cards. It is amazing some of the issues that have been checked on the prayer cards for the campers here this week. I guarantee you that you can not even imagine some of things some of the teens that are here this week are facing. So, as you continue to pray for our kids please pray for all the kids here this week.

We had a very action packed day today. We were blessed to get to spend A LOT of time with our teens today. Not only during Family Reunion time  but throughout the day as well. I do enjoy being with them. Our church is blessed with a good group of young'uns. Speaking of Family Reunion, this was a very special one this year. Some very personal testimonies were shared by our teens as well as our leaders. I ask God to continue to work in their lives. I ask that He helps them make the right choices in ALL things. I got to tube with Preston, Samuel & Daniel. Human Foosball with about all of them. Rode the Super Slide and a bunch that I can't even remember. We had lunch on the field and enjoyed the Lumber Fair. After the evening service, they played night time Big Ball Feet Ball under the lights. It was really fun to watch.

It was good to have Chad Waddell and Chris Philips visit today. Chad and Chris rode the giant swing....you will have to ask Chad about it!

Brandon and April arrived and have settled into Scotty and Amanda's spot. I think they are really excited to be here. They are looking through the lens of a leader now instead of a teen... good times!

I won't give too much detail of the services because I know I am going long here. You will have to ask you teen about it and ask to see their notes on the services.

This morning's Chapel continued the study of II Timothy "Be True To The Gospel"
1) Be a Distinct Disciple of Christ
2) Be a Dedicated Disciple of Christ

Sponsor Chapel was taken from Luke 18:1 "Have Faith that will not Faint"

Teen Evening Service was taken from Col 3:1-4
"Chasing After Christ"
You must understand your relationship with Christ
You must understand your responsibility with Christ
You must understand your revelation with Christ

Tomorrow, Brandon is going to do the entire update. I am looking forward to his perspective.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Wednesday Update

For those who are missing their babies, fear not, we are half way home!  It is hard to believe that it is already Wednesday. However, my legs are saying, "is it only Wednesday?"    I think the camp brought in some step stretchers since last year. It seems as though they add a few extras steps every year. We have had another great day as far as the weather goes. It has been partly cloudy, which is wonderful and no rain. The temperature has been very nice.

For those who are not following the teen Twitter account, I highly suggest requesting to follow. I think most are enjoying it more than these updates. (I don't know for sure, but let me know when I get back !!!)   The teen Twitter account is  @totalmrbc.

Hopefully you got to see the beautiful spot that we pray for the teens when I Tweeted it this morning. It is a very serene, calm place over looking the lake, to pray for the needs of our kids, the camp as a  whole and the prayer cards that are registered.

Wednesday's Chapel service continued on in the study of II Timothy. Bro. Andy spoke on, "Be Strong in the Gospel".
The three realities of being strong in the gospel are:
1) Being strong in the Gospel is a mandate
2) Being Strong in the Gospel has a motivation
3) Being strong in the Gospel has a mission.

We got to attend the CLS (Christian Life Seminar) today. I love these sessions for the teens. They are very practical and current. Today's topic was Dating. I wrote so many notes that I would never be able to include them all and keep this somewhat short. Willie compared the way the "world" models dating compared to the way God models dating. He gave clear Biblical reasons for dating..

We enjoyed a cookout on the field for lunch and then the teens had a big time playing the group game "Scramble Scrabble". I have lots of pics of that for later.

The teen leaders agreed that today's messages were the best of the week so far. Tonight's evening service was taken from Matthew 7:13-14. The preacher stated that there were only two roads in life. There is the road to death and the road to life. Tonight he focused on the road to death.

- The road to death has an entrance...it is the wide gate.
 - The road to death has an end... it is destruction.
 - The road to death has an exit...it is Jesus Christ the narrow gate.
If you are on the wrong road, you must believe there is something better on the other road. Then you must repent to get on the narrow road. He presented the gospel very well tonight. I hope all of our teens realize what road they are currently on and if it is not the narrow road,               then they need to get on it by getting saved.

Tonight's "Fun Time" was the best one that I have ever seen. They did a great job and all the teens as well as the adult loved it. After Fun Time there was a lumberjack competition with a pizza party. I am too old for pizza that late at night....Scotty  & Amanda are still young, they indulged.

Day 3 Pics

Here are a few pictures from the day, this will probably be the last few pictures that we post on the blog but we will have plenty for the slide show presentation Sunday Night:  Be sure to continue to check the blog for the evening recap.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Tuesday Update

The Lord blessed us with beautiful weather today.  It rained a little here and there, but not enough to hinder our fun. I've said this before but it warrants saying again what a special place this is. I love to see the hand of God on this physical location. I am so glad our teens get the opportunity to allow the Holy Spirit to work in their lives without the worldly influences that normally bombard them daily.  All they have to do is give Him some space to work.  Hopefully they don't take for granted all the beauty that is here for them to enjoy.

All of our teens are doing really well.  We haven't had any major issues at all. We had a little homesickness with a Junior Boot Camper but I think she got over it pretty quickly.
During teen chapel today Andy spoke on "Be Courageous with the Gospel". He used II Tim 1 as his scripture.

Matt Herbster lead our sponsor seminar speaking on "Perspective". He used the lessons learned during the lose of his wife last year to colon cancer. He also used her example of how she dealt with cancer when dealing with others. it's amazing to see what they went through and how they handled it.

Again our schedule allowed us to attend the JBC (Junior Boot Camp) evening service without missing anything with the teens.

Tonight's service with the teens was a strong message taken from II Sam 18. It was focused toward teens who have rage and rebellion in their hearts and how that will cause ruin in their lives.

Mommas... you can be proud. Everyone looked very nice a "put together" tonight for the service. I have the pictures to prove it!

I'm looking forward to what God has for us tomorrow!

Tuesday Photos

Here are some photos from today most form breakfast and one during God & I Time:

Monday, June 23, 2014

Monday Update

Monday update - We want to thank God for traveling mercies on our trip up. We had very good weather and made great time. Thanks to Brandon for posting the pictures. That saves me a lot of time.

The Wilds had a completly different registration procedure this year. It worked better but it was different. We were also registering the Juniors at the same time which added a new wrinkle. Scotty handled the Juniors and I took care of the teens. Both processes went very smoothly.

We attended our first ever JBC (Junior Boot Camp) Evening Service. The speaker this week is Mark Herbster. He spoke to the Juniors about being Soldiers in God's Army using the examples of David's Mighty Men. We got to this service a little late due to being in the sponsor session. So we missed a little of the beginning. He was speaking from II Samuel 23.
Stand - Must be willing to stand alone
Serve - Serve our King selflessly
Submit - Submit to our King sincerely
Struggle - Struggle securely

During this time, the teens enjoyed the traditional game "Big Balls" on the main field as they oft do. A person does not get to use the word "oft" much. So, points for me for working that in. Scotty and I were headed down to be with the teens after the Big Balls game during their free time before the evening service and the heavens opened. We had a good rain but it slacked off enough before the evening service so that most teens didn't get too wet.

We had a very good service tonight. Andy Gleiser (Sp?) is the speaker this week. He is a Youth Paster in Indiana. You could tell, by his illustrations and examples used, that he is a youth worker by calling. This is the first time we have heard him speak.

He preached from Psalm 1:1-3
"God is targeting you to partner with Him" (He wants to make your life successful)
3 Parts of God's Plan  for Your Success:
1) Reject Sin
 - Reject sinful (unbiblical, wrong) councel
 - Reject sinful companionship
 - Reject sinful character
2) Receive Scripture
 - Love God's Word
 - Learn God's Word (you should bleed it)
 - Live God's Word
3) Rewarding of His success
 - He will make you Spiritually glad
 - You will be Spiritually grounded
 - You will be Spiritually growing
 - You will be Spiritually green (an evergreen of Christ's... always producing)
 - You will be Spiritually gleaning

As I mentioned in the tweet earlier. I spoke with ALL the teens before the evening service and all were doing well. I hope that puts some mommas at ease.

Please forgive any typos...it is 11:44pm and 6:30am is coming quickly.


Pics of our Teens Meeting Their Counselor's

Each cabin has on about 8 teens and 1 counselor, here's is a few pics of our Teens and Juniors meeting with their Counselors: (click of photos for larger view)

They're There!

Our teens have arrived @ camp safe and sound about 2 hours ago, right now they are going through the registration process. Please pray that they have a good week and make life changing decisions (They are the future of Marler Road Baptist Church)!  Here are a few photos with many more to follow!       For a larger view of the photos just click on them

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Camp Wilds, Here We Come!!!

Meet at the church at 8:45 Monday morning to begin loading the vans.We are looking forward to a great week!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Bible School

It is awesome to see the great number of teens that have come out for Bible School this week. We are very proud of you! We are looking forward to a great remainder of the week!