"But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves." - James 1:22

Thursday, July 7, 2016


Well I don’t know what kind of quality there will be in this update. It was certainly a whirlwind day. It got kicked off with a loss of power for the entire camp at about 4am this morning. It remained out through 9am chapel this morning. (There were bad storms in the area. We did not get the rain but we got the wind. John said that a large tree fell over and took out the lines. )  That situation made chapel interesting in a good way. We sat outside on the pavement near the activity center for chapel service. The morning was cool and it was a good experience. Steve Pettit continued using the examples Joseph learned through his own sufferings as example of what we should do ourselves. He mentioned being a servant because a servant’s goal is to make others successful. Our goal as teen leaders is to make sure each member of TOTAL is successful in their walk with the Lord. Your goal of a church member is to be a servant for the Lord ensuring the Marler Road Baptist Church is successful delivering the gospel in our area…you see the point. Joseph teaches us patience and to be humble.

Power came back around 10’ish. We had a good day weather wise. Slightly cooler and mostly cloudy which was a welcomed change from the heat we have had the last couple of days.

During our Family Reunion time, several of the teens mentioned that today’s chapel was one of their favorite messages thus far this week. Scotty’s not over here typing….he’s over there whistling something….so I’m going to brag on him a little. He does such a great job during Family Reunion time. In such good way he can encourage, emphasize and teach the teens in the short time we have them all together during Family Reunion. He make ensures this time’s focus is Spiritual. I’ve told him before, but I will put it in print, I appreciate our teen leader Scotty Sparks!

Later in the morning the teens had their God & I Time and well as follow-up to that God & I time.

After lunch the kids got to enjoy a lot of free time. I watched some tubing, Big Swing, Basketball, crafts…I could go on. I also watched three of our guys do the paintball. It was very fun to watch, but if they get called up to go fight for our country, we may be in trouble. I saw a lot of shooting but not much hitting,

Going too long here….we lost power again this evening right before the evening service. When this happens, they use a couple of small generators to run one spot light and the sound system. They open the doors and you hope for a breeze. It got hot but the service was good. I’ll let you ask your teen about tonight’s message. Remind them it is the one without power. The electricity came back on right near the end of the service.

I do thank God for His blessings, for this camp, and for our teens. God is Good.