"But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves." - James 1:22

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Thursday Update

Good Thursday night to everyone (or maybe Friday morning according to when you may be looking at this)

We were again blessed with great weather. Temps were good and no rain all day.

I hope all having been praying for our teens. Yesterday's and tonight's messages were very good presentations of the gospel. I truly hope eternal decisions will be made before we leave from the Wilds. As Amanda & Christy prayed for the JBC'ers this morning, Scotty and I prayed for our teens and the prayer cards. It is amazing some of the issues that have been checked on the prayer cards for the campers here this week. I guarantee you that you can not even imagine some of things some of the teens that are here this week are facing. So, as you continue to pray for our kids please pray for all the kids here this week.

We had a very action packed day today. We were blessed to get to spend A LOT of time with our teens today. Not only during Family Reunion time  but throughout the day as well. I do enjoy being with them. Our church is blessed with a good group of young'uns. Speaking of Family Reunion, this was a very special one this year. Some very personal testimonies were shared by our teens as well as our leaders. I ask God to continue to work in their lives. I ask that He helps them make the right choices in ALL things. I got to tube with Preston, Samuel & Daniel. Human Foosball with about all of them. Rode the Super Slide and a bunch that I can't even remember. We had lunch on the field and enjoyed the Lumber Fair. After the evening service, they played night time Big Ball Feet Ball under the lights. It was really fun to watch.

It was good to have Chad Waddell and Chris Philips visit today. Chad and Chris rode the giant swing....you will have to ask Chad about it!

Brandon and April arrived and have settled into Scotty and Amanda's spot. I think they are really excited to be here. They are looking through the lens of a leader now instead of a teen... good times!

I won't give too much detail of the services because I know I am going long here. You will have to ask you teen about it and ask to see their notes on the services.

This morning's Chapel continued the study of II Timothy "Be True To The Gospel"
1) Be a Distinct Disciple of Christ
2) Be a Dedicated Disciple of Christ

Sponsor Chapel was taken from Luke 18:1 "Have Faith that will not Faint"

Teen Evening Service was taken from Col 3:1-4
"Chasing After Christ"
You must understand your relationship with Christ
You must understand your responsibility with Christ
You must understand your revelation with Christ

Tomorrow, Brandon is going to do the entire update. I am looking forward to his perspective.